Presentation Survival School


A great presenter has two unique qualities: appropriate skills and personal confidence. This confidence comes from knowing what you want to say and being comfortable with your communication skills. In this two day workshop, you will master the skills that will make you a better speaker and presenter.

How You Will Benefit:
• Identify ways to gain rapport with your audience
• Learn techniques to reduce nervousness and fear
• Recognize how visual aids can create impact and attention
• Develop techniques to create a professional presence
• Learn some different ways to prepare and organize information
• Prepare, practice, and present a short presentation

What You Will Cover:
Communication skills
How to edit your conversation
Appropriately sharing yourself with others
Positive self-talk
Making the most of meetings
Body language
Sticky situations
Advantages of oral presentations
Planning your presentation with PAFEO
Overcoming nervousness
The STARR pattern
Start writing!
How to limit your information
Creating an audience profile
Your speaking voice
Adding punch to your presentation
Presentation practice


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