Selling Smarter


It’s no secret that selling has changed in recent years. We are all working harder, with more responsibilities. High pressure selling is no longer effective. Customers want involvement. They want to be recognized and listened to. And they don’t want you to forget them once the sale is made. Two key objectives of this one day workshop are to help employees feel more comfortable and skilled in selling to their customers and to help them identify and address some of their customer service challenges.

How You will Benefit:
• Understand a wonderful paradox: helping other people get what they want gives us more of what we want.
• Use goal-setting techniques as a way to focus on what you want to accomplish and develop strategies for getting there.
• Recognize the difference between features and benefits of products and services.
• Identify and be able to better present the competitive strengths of your products and services, so that you can be proactive in handling objections and more successful at asking for the business.
• Use different types of selling for different situations.
• Identify ways to find new clients and network effectively.

What You Will Cover:
-Essential selling skills
-What is selling?
-Features and benefits
-Setting SMART goals
-Time management tips
-Customer service
-Types of selling
-Ten major mistakes
-Finding new clients
-Selling price


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